Katie over at Katers Potaters nominated me for a Sunshine Award. How fun! I love meeting new bloggers and getting to know people through this form of social media.
Favorite Color?: Lime green and pink! The color of my bedroom walls is "Spring Meadow Green" by Benjamin Moore but my mom says it's more limey. I just love them together. Coincidentally, this was the color scheme I went with for college. ;)
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink?: I really like Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry or Diet Coke. I know soda is so bad for you. :-X My motto is "I'm going to die eventually. Might as well enjoy what I like now"
Facebook or Twitter?: I still prefer Facebook at times over Twitter, although I am not a huge fan of the new timeline. I do love following verified celebs on twitter!
My passion?: Languages. I just love how "sexy" it can sound. I would love to learn Italian next!
Favorite Animals?: DOGS! I am TOTALLY a dog person. I have grown up with them my entire life and there's something about cuddling with them when you've had a crappy day that makes it all better.
Getting or giving presents?: I LOVE giving presents. I love to give people gifts that mean something. Hence why my sister-in-law has scrapbooks for 2 of her 3 kids (I got really busy with the third one but I am working on it!) of their first year.
Favorite pattern?: Probably polka dots.
Favorite flower?: Pink roses!! I have insisted forever that this is what my future wedding bouquet is, regardless of the price!
Now, who am I going to give this award to? Well, these fine ladies:
1. Ginny @ Musings From a Breast Cancer Optimist
2. Asha @ Asha's Aspects
3. Kristin @ Kristin's kNook
4. Kristen Danielle @ From Kristen, With Love
5. Emily @ Paging Dr. Grace
Thanks for the award, Kristin! Have a great Easter weekend :)