Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's okay Thursday!

Another one of my favorite link ups! Link up with Neely @ A Complete Waste of Makeup & Amber @ Brunch with Amber to tell what's okay with you today on this fine Thursday!


...that I literally cried over the amount I owe for student loans. With interest, it's up to $70K between undergrad & grad. I wanna cry more & vomit  now that I admitted it!

...that I bought a new Vera Bradley hipster & wallet for my cruise next month. Hey, at least I had the $30 giftcard!

...that I told my manager (while I was at my job having lunch today) that I didn't understand why they needed two hosts tomorrow morning...and got out of working the lunch shift. :) enjoy "people watching" while at the gym.

...that I am seeing The Hunger Games again on Saturday. =) want to go BACK to Disney because you are forever 5 years old and want to see the new Fantasyland to be finished in 2013! read running blogs for inspiration and wonder "Can I do it if these ladies can?!"

...that I am SUPER EXCITED to be eating ice cream again on Sunday. I had given it up for lent.

...that I can't wait for the next reason of RHONJ to come back!! (April 22nd!) be super excited to see Titanic in 3D next week. wish I lived in the South, primarily Georgia. worry about your 30 yr old brother & all his $$ issues and hope he can turn things around. want to adopt a new puppy. I still love my beast Shadow. =) I just love puppies. be thinking of how much Vera Bradley items I can use on my cruise. watch Dance Moms Miami and think they need to put LONGER tops on the girls. What happened to a normal leotard?! The girls on Dance Moms (in Pittsburgh) are much better!

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on the student loans... We can cry together.
    I can relate to almost everyone of your it's OK!!!
