Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Cleaning

I have made some progress in my spring cleaning today. I finally have switched some of my winter clothes to the bins and hung up the summer ones. I love spring & summer clothes more than winter! This is partly why I want to live in a place that is warmer than NY. I mean, why did parts of NY get snow in April?! (Not where I am, thankfully!) However, the task I was trying to achieve today was too daunting and impossible to finish before I go out to dinner & a movie with two girlfriends so I am going to achieve it Wednesday. My only plan on Wednesday is to go to the gym so I better be able to accomplish it.

I have to say, joining the gym was the best decision I made so far in 2012, aside from joining the world of iPhones. I do like going with my friend Amanda. Even if I don't run at a 6.6 speed on the treadmill like others and can only run for a little while before lowering the speed, at least I am working out. I felt like one hot, sweaty mess when I left today and loved it! So worth the $20 a month.

Today has been a marathon of TV shows that I have loved. First, Saved by the Bell. Anyone else want to marry Zack Morris when they were younger? No? I'm the only one. Seriously, I had the hots for him.

Then I was watching Boy Meets World. I totally FORGOT about this show. Thanks MTV2 for replaying it! Then FRIENDS. That will hands down always be my favorite show. What's not to love about it?

The Golden Girls. I was watching it and seriously, it cracks me up. I hope one day I can be as cool and witty as Sophia when I am old.


  1. I love all of those old shows!! I always watched Saved by the Bell back in the day :)

  2. You should try some classes at the gym. I can only treadmill-it for so long!

  3. I go to the gym when I know Boy Meets world will be on MTV2 - obsessed!

  4. hahaha, love the tv line up! I still watch Boy Meets World sometimes. And as I am typing I am watching FRIENDS!
