Monday, April 30, 2012

2 weeks...

This chick here will be on vacation in just TWO WEEKS! Two weeks from today, I will be cruising my way to the Bahamas! I sincerely hope my body regains its non-sickly feeling and I feel better soon. I do not want to spend my tropical vacation sick. Here's to hoping that the Airborne in Strawberry I bought will help. 

I have so much to do in a little time! Clean my closet (yeah, I know I have been saying this for what seems like weeks but I have gotten sidetracked or had to do other things), get my car cleaned (it is disgusting and I would much rather pay someone to do it then do it myself), get my nails done (trying to hold out til Fri/Monday so it'll last while I am away). Oh, and one other big thing...PACK! I *think* my shopping is done for the most part...until I get to the cruise.

I also gathered up all my bills to pay before I go away, including my student loan that is due this weekend. Ugh, seriously. The amount of money I spent going to school for undergrad & grad is disgusting. Oh my. Seriously, each day I spend looking for jobs in hopes to be able to start paying MORE than the minimum due that month. Growing up can suck at times.

Here's to hoping I will be able to sleep more/better tonight than last night. I woke up early because Amanda and I were going to the gym. In all, I probably should've skipped it but whatever. I was exhausted. And I really dont want to go to work at 530. It's only 3 and a half hours but still. Boo. Sorry if I whine too much.

The best part of my weekend (well one part) was being able to see my friend Christina from college! I wish I got to spend more time with her and everyone else but I unfortunately could only make lunch on Saturday because I had to work. I miss her!

I also have been listening to Carrie Underwood's new CD "Blown Away" on repeat in my car yesterday and today. Yeah, it doesn't come out til tomorrow but that's the beauty/magic of the internet. She's just so freaking pretty. I wouldn't mind looking like her..or having her voice!  

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