Sunday, June 29, 2014

{Sunday Social}

I just got back from a fantastic girls weekend getaway with two of my best friends to Atlantic City, NJ (which I plan on blogging about later this week along with the end of school). But for now, I am here for Sunday Social!

{1} What was your college major? Did you ever change majors?
My college major was Adolescence Education Spanish. I wanted to become a secondary education Spanish teacher for grades 7-12. I pretty much knew that since 8th grade! I went into college and never really changed....until I had to drop my education major spring semester senior year because they wouldn't let me student teach. Stupid & long story.

{2} What is the best purchase you made lately?
Umm...probably my non-slip crocs for work. I desperately needed new work shoes. And my first pair of Toms! I am so excited to get those in the mail!!

{3} What is something silly we don't know about you and go....
I sleep with my stuffed Olaf every night!

{4} What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas!! I love decorating, shopping for presents and wrapping. 

{5} What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Shut off my first alarm and prepare myself for the other 5 that are to come. I need those alarms because it helps me actually get my butt out of bed.

Link up with Ashley & Neely today! 

1 comment:

  1. Frozen! You do love Olaf! It's not silly, I think, it's totally cute! I also do that :P
    Also shut off the first alarm, it's human natural habit, because alarm never know how sleepy we are! lol
    nice post x)
