Monday, October 22, 2012

Life's musings...

Half the time lately, all I want to do is put on a pair of sweats & t-shirt, crawl into bed and watch TV until I fall asleep. Honestly, I've been in go-go-go mode sometimes I don't know how I am functioning! I did it somehow when I was student teaching but this time I crave more alone time. 

This past weekend all I did was work. Friday night, all day yesterday, and yesterday. Saturday was crazy. 11:30-9:30 with no real break. 10 hours on your feet REALLY hurts after awhile. I need to buy the Dr.Scholls' inserts for my shoes because it hurt to walk to my car when I left last night! Ha ha. At least tonight on takeout was somewhat slow yet good that I made decent money (more than Friday!). 

I officially know it is fall now because I can't breathe out of the left side of my nose!! I'm not kidding you...when it switched from summer to fall weather when I was in college, I was ALWAYS sick. Never seems to skip me. I do have to find something to take to be able to breathe out of my left nostril because it is quite an unpleasant feeling. And I am hand sanitizing the heck out of my hands at school since I am around kids so much. 

The other night I saw "Here Comes the Boom" with Kevin James. He played a biology teacher that tries to do MMA to save the music teacher's job at his school. I actually really liked it! It almost made me cry. He was so determined to be able to save the music program at his school and honestly, I hope to be a teacher like that. Someone who is willing to do anything (to a degree) for their school and has a good relationship with the kids.

After school today, I drove straight to Target and bought Taylor Swift's new album, "Red." I listened to it on my drive to/from work tonight. It is so so so good!!! I really cannot wait for her to announce her tour dates for this tour because I am SO THERE!! Anyone else get the new cd?

I would love to be able to breathe normally only took two weeks of being in the germ infested school to get sick! Hopefully my sinuses will clear up soon!

I hopefully will be able to clean the mess that is my closet. I am really struggling to find clothes to wear to school and the pants give me issues. The 12s are too tight at NY&CO yet a 14 can be too baggy even with a belt. Seriously, I need someone to just make the right pants that fit me. I feel like I am always whining about this but I hate that I have to keep pulling up my pants at school, ha ha! Now to find my 20% off coupon from Kohls to go there this week. 

1 comment:

  1. i have heard a lot of good things about taylor swifts "red"... i may have to check it out!
