This is one of my favorite linkups! It is time for Seriously?! Thursday with Becky @ From Mrs To Mama.
1. It really isn't that hard to put laundry away but I have a stack sitting on my desk chair. Really? I would much rather nap or watch Gilmore Girls (almost to season 6!) than put laundry away. What is my problem? Seriously?!
2. Is $30 really too much to spend on a round-trip train ticket and a subway card for a day to the city? None of my friends want to drive to the Yankee/Red Sox game we're going to on Sunday, me included, because driving in NYC is like sitting in h*ll and who wants to pay $20 to park a car? So we're taking a train and the subway and it'll cost $30 roundtrip. Really my boyfriend doesn't need to complain about it since *I* bought his ticket. Ha, boys will be boys and be silly. SERIOUSLY?!
3. I loved being asked if I want to work for someone 15 minutes before the shift starts. No thank you! I don't mind covering if I don't have anything to do but I ain't canceling plans to go work.
SERIOUSLY?! Just work it.
4. I am OH-SO glad my school doesn't know the right stuff to tell the students. I have no idea what to expect with the Special Education Content Specialty Test on Saturday so it's kind of a relief if I don't get the passing score I can retake it after I study my BUTT off for my Spanish CST in November and pass both.
SERIOUSLY?! Get yo act together!
5. I made my boyfriend watch Law & Order SVU last night. First off, he has never seen it....SERIOUSLY?! WTH...such a great and addicting show (I'm watching it as I write this post). Secondly, Elliot Stabler (aka Chris Meloni) was not on it. I thought this season was going to be his LAST and he wouldn't be in as many episodes. SO SO SO SO NOT FAIR! I have no one to drool over (except Derek on Grey's).
6. I should have never joined Pinterest. I like to waste my life away on it.
7. I forgot that I wanted to watch Glee's premiere the other day and forgot to DVR it. Now FOX won't let you watch it until 8 days or something AFTER it has aired
. SERIOUSLY?! I missed the original bandwagon on this show so I wanna jump on now. Way to rain on my parade.